If your family experiences a significant or unexpected change after receiving your initial financial aid offer for the academic year, or if you believe there are special circumstances that were not considered in the initial review of your financial aid application, please notify us in writing.
Use the Appeal Form to help you explain and document special circumstances such as a significant and unexpected change in income due to job loss, salary reduction, change in benefits and/or other financial changes as indicated on page one of the appeal form . Circumstances where we are not able to consider an appeal include, but are not limited to, high consumer debt, voluntary unemployment/retirement, and for families living abroad the devaluation of currency.
Understanding the Appeal Process
In the appeal, include details about unique circumstances, how this will impact your family's income and/or expenses, and when these circumstances occurred. Include as much documentation as possible; for example, letters from third parties, pay stubs, canceled checks and billing statements. About two weeks after the appeal is submitted, students will receive written notification of the appeal decision. Submitting an appeal does not guarantee an adjustment to a student's financial aid offer.
In most cases, the appeal process provides our office with comprehensive information regarding how the changes have affected your ability to contribute to educational expenses. If you feel a brief letter or email would be more appropriate to explain your circumstance, feel free to send the information in that format.
Contact the Office of Financial Aid if you have questions about the appeal process.